In Literal Color

Ariadne’s Birth Story

Long before I became pregnant, I had a lot of thoughts about giving birth. My mother, a true warrior, had three children in vaginal, unmedicated births (my sister was 10lbs 4oz, so this is truly amazing). Though I wanted to

Best Pregnancy Apps

Pregnancy can be so many things: beautiful, exciting, stressful, happy, painful, and strange; but there are a few apps that I have used throughout my pregnancy that have really made things easier for me. From keeping track of the baby’s

Our drive-through & virtual baby showers

Being pregnant in a pandemic hasn’t been easy. From wearing a mask all day, to not being able to have my husband at any appointments with me, there’s been a lot of dealing with the unknown and unexpected. I knew

A [Covid safe] babymoon in Asheville, NC

I had always dreamed of taking a babymoon to somewhere far away and magical, like Maui, but Covid had other plans for us. Instead, we drove to Asheville, NC and ended up having a blast! Here’s my guide to traveling