In Literal Color

Our sleep training journey

Baby sleep. Who knew it could be so hard? Maybe I was naive, but I definitely was not prepared for how complicated two very simple things, eating and sleeping, could be for a baby. When it comes to sleep, there

Hiring a nanny in your home

When I initially went back to work in October 2021, our daughter was nearly four months old, and we were very lucky to be able to have my mom and our niece as caregivers. But all of that changed in

Ariadne’s Birth Story

Long before I became pregnant, I had a lot of thoughts about giving birth. My mother, a true warrior, had three children in vaginal, unmedicated births (my sister was 10lbs 4oz, so this is truly amazing). Though I wanted to

Pumping Essentials

Since my daughter, Ariadne, has been in the NICU since she was born, I have had to exclusively pump. Although it was not the journey I envisioned, it has been amazing to pump because it feels like I am doing

Best Pregnancy Apps

Pregnancy can be so many things: beautiful, exciting, stressful, happy, painful, and strange; but there are a few apps that I have used throughout my pregnancy that have really made things easier for me. From keeping track of the baby’s

Our drive-through & virtual baby showers

Being pregnant in a pandemic hasn’t been easy. From wearing a mask all day, to not being able to have my husband at any appointments with me, there’s been a lot of dealing with the unknown and unexpected. I knew